Sunday, October 21, 2012

Social Bookmarking and finding a "soulmate"

I've worked as an intern for a wedding planner, and as if brides and their mothers weren’t crazy enough, someone went and created Pinterest, making it easy for brides to see millions of wedding ideas and decide they want all of them in their own wedding. Within their budget, of course..

As I was pinning everything I could find, I began looking for another user with similar interests- my social bookmarking “soulmate” if you will.

I found plenty of people with similar interests in food, travel, and my favorite sports teams, but I was searching for someone who mainly shared my interest in lacrosse, and possibly a few similar interests in these other Pinterest categories. I found a woman named Debbie who had pinned a couple of lacrosse-related things that I had re-pinned.

When I looked at her pins, I realized that we mostly had lacrosse and food (are you surprised?) in common.  So maybe we’re not exactly social bookmarking soulmates, but here interests were the closest to mine than all the other profiles I had found of people who pinned lacrosse-related items. She had a variety of pins on her “recipes” board that I found I was also interested in (again, food is a significant Pinterest category for me).

Debbie also has a great “Bucket List” board that had a few beautiful photos of places it appeared she would eventually like to visit. Quite a few of these places were in Europe, and coincidentally I just found out I will be studying abroad in London next semester and had begun making my own bucket list of places in Europe I wanted to visit while I was there. Another “soulmate” point!

I noticed that she had a few knitting/crochet related boards, which is more of my sister’s thing than it is mine, but I really liked Debbie’s arts and crafts board. I love DIY products, and a lot of the brides I worked with during my internship really lean toward the homey, self-made feel for their invitations, gift bags, and even their dinnerware. I particularly liked Debbie’s variety of pins on this board, ranging from baby outfits and vases to jewelry and bookshelves. I could see myself making (or at least attempting to make) many of these items on her board. That is, if I can survive my midterms and find some free time (come back in 10 years, I swear this will become an arts and crafts blog).

Who’s your social bookmarking soulmate?

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